

Third of the Three

He never says he loves music; never goes around exclaiming, “Oh, Beethoven’s Midnight Sonata was so beautiful!” But Xeo is a very, talented musician. Somehow he is able to stretch his paws to play the violin, but his strings always wear away twice as fast because of his rough paws. He stands benevolently on two feet when he plays, back straight and having an almost humane figure as he pulls his bow across the strings gently. And his every stroke is graceful and soft like a river flowing into a lake.

It might be because he is the youngest, that he gets quite upset over small things occasionally, and very upset over bigger things. He over thinks late at night about a friend who got mad because he teased him too much, or about how to start a conversation with someone he feels awkward around. But as easily as these small things are able to get to him, he is able to forget and let them go.

He has known his violin longer than anyone in his life, but he is still very affectionate to those around him. He knows small things like how to fold stars, and he has a bright red book with a silver star on the cover that Sca gave to him as a birthday present. He writes poems in it (yes, he actually writes quite well without eyes, and Sca knew to give him a notebook without lines), about the days that have passed, or about people he has met, or messages. Most of the time he writes messages to Tae, or poems about her. But he has never given any of these to her.

He is in love with her.